
Do Braces Change Your Face? How Does It Impact Your Face Shape and Jawline!


Chehalis dentist recommends braces to people with misaligned and crooked teeth. Braces help them achieve straighter and perfectly aligned teeth and smiles. However, most people think that braces can impact their face shape. If you are undergoing the same treatment, you must have similar thoughts. This article is a complete guide on whether braces change your face shape or not. Here we go! 

Do Braces Change Your Face? 

Yes. It is possible for orthodontic operations to alter your facial features. It is possible that these advancements will also improve your oral health, so all is great. Once your Plantation dentist has filled you with braces, all of your balance and bite issues will be resolved. Your mouth and jaws will look more natural, and your face will appear more symmetrical.

Ways Braces Change Your Face Shape And Jawline. 

1. Underbite

Underbite occurs if the bottom teeth are positioned ahead of the upper teeth. The lower jaw protrudes as a result. Here, there may be a perceptible variation between your pre-brace and post-brace facial features. Your lower jaw looks more symmetrical with the rest of your face once the imbalance is fixed. Your features will appear more tender and organic.

2. Overbite 

When your Plantation dentist gives you braces, they can also take care of this orthodontic issue. They can significantly enhance your jawline’s contour. A lanky chin and sunken cheeks can be caused by the upper teeth erupting too soon above the lower teeth. By helping the arches come together properly and straightening the bite, braces can help produce a more symmetrical face structure and a stronger chin and jawline.

3. Open Bite 

Your lips and mouth seem to be elongated when you bite them open. The upper lip may protrude, and in extreme situations, the mouth may not even close normally, making it a visible condition. Your Plantation dentist can easily address the problem with braces. To address your problem of bucked teeth, the teeth will be brought together into a more vertically aligned position. This can assist you to close your mouth correctly in addition to making your smile and functionality better.

4. Malocclusion variants 

A crossbite or crooked teeth are two other forms of malocclusion that can negatively affect your appearance. With the aid of your braces, you may correctly align your teeth and create a beautiful, healthy smile that complements the rest of your face.

Wrapping Up! 

Yes, braces can slightly change your face shape due to continuous pull and push. There are several reasons why braces change your face shape which we discussed here. 

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