
All you need to know about overweight permits


Getting a permit to take a heavy vehicle across state lines can be difficult, but with the right information, it’s possible. This is the guide to help you understand how to get your permit and what you need to do so that you can enjoy your trip as much as possible.

Overweight Permit Overview

If you’re wondering what Overweight Permits mean, it’s pretty simple. An overweight permit is a document that allows vehicles to exceed their maximum weight limits. This can be due to the nature of your load, like construction equipment or large machinery. Or maybe you have a trailer attached to your truck and need more weight capacity than comes with your vehicle alone. Either way, an overweight permit will allow you to carry more cargo than would usually be allowed by law in some situations.

There are three types of Overweight Permits: temporary, permanent, and route-specific. Temporary permits allow for heavier loads for short amounts of time—think several weeks or months—while permanent permits remain valid indefinitely until canceled (but still require annual renewal). Route-specific permits are issued on a case-by-case basis whenever they’re needed. They differ from both temporary and permanent versions because they don’t require annual renewal as long as law enforcement officers don’t cancel them on-site during traffic stops or other inspection activities conducted along interstate highways throughout states where these types exist within their respective jurisdictions.

Where to Purchase an Overweight Permit

There are two places in which you can purchase an overweight permit. The first is at your local DMV, and the second is online on the official government website. If you have never purchased a permit, you must know what to expect when going to either location.

For example, go into a DMV and tell them you need an overweight permit. They will probably give you one without asking any questions and send you on your way without providing any additional information or assistance. However, suppose someone goes online and purchases a permit from their home computer using their credit card information as a payment method. In that case, they may receive more help than those who just went in for processing purposes alone.

This highlights one major difference between going into an actual building versus purchasing through digital means: accessibility of resources! When buying from within an office building (or another brick-and-mortar establishment), there are many resources available such as brochures about how permits work or even printouts with all the necessary information so buyers can take home everything they need without having to spend time searching through multiple websites. This may be tedious due to the need to provide good information upfront. In contrast, when shopping online, there need to be more resources available because companies want consumers to save time reading through large amounts of text before making purchases!

Annual or Continuous Movement Permits

Annual or Continuous Movement (ACM) permits are issued to vehicles and trains that must cross bridges, tunnels, and other structures more than 28 times a year.

ACMs allow you to traverse restricted areas without contacting local authorities on each occasion. As soon as your vehicle has been registered with the ACM scheme, it will be allowed through any bridge or tunnel in the UK without further checks.

You will have different options when choosing an annual permit:

  • Single-use Annual Permit – this permit is valid for one journey only and costs £60 per year
  • Multi-use Annual Permit – this allows you to make multiple crossings within 12 months at the cost of £200 per year


Overweight Permits are an important component of transporting goods and services. Without them, many businesses could not function. They allow you to transport a large amount of weight that would otherwise be too heavy for most vehicles.

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